Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Mr. Wheeler, sixth grade teacher

Mr. Wheeler was my sixth grade teacher and the grade school principle all the six years I attended.  He was a good teacher that tried to teach beyond the books.  I have wondered what happened to him.  On Ancestry I found his picture in the Green Forest School Yearbook.

I remember him as always wearing black rimed glasses but in his 1959 yearbook photo he is not wearing glasses. He was unmarried when he taught school here and I do not believe he ever married. As I remember it he grew up somewhere close to here but to the east of our town.  He lived in Suggs apartments above the laundry mat right by the school, but as I remember it he had a home or farm where he came to Green Forest from.

Find a grave says he was born July 13, 1915 in Johnson County, Arkansas and died in 2008 in Harrison. His parents were William Henry and Margaret Ann (Self) Wheeler. It looks like he lived in Newton County after he retired from 40 years of teaching.

Here are some pictures from the yearbook.





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